

R.I.P. Iron

Well my iron died today. Sadness. How am I going to finish all the piles of quilting projects that are in my sewing room now?

I am currently taking suggestions for what type of iron I should now purchase.

Click here to sign up for the early bird giveaway


  1. I've heard really good things about Reliable brand irons. I think they used them in the sewing room at Sewing Summit.

  2. Hi! I have been more than happy with my Rowenta! I just bought an iron, but it has turned out really good - gives too much steam and when my friend tried that, she understood why I like ironing. But still there are many other irons that I don't even know. I just read from Julie's iron, but can't remember her blog's name. I'll go to see and come bag.
    xxx Teje

  3. Hi again! Julie's iron is Oliso (unknown here) but looks fantastic (and strange). Look her post 11.10.2011 and there is a link to see video about that iron. Also many giveaways going on with Julie!
    xxx Teje

  4. I've done a blog post on my hunt for the perfect iron. I'm still looking, but I just order yet another that came highly recommended. It's super cheap - a Continental brand. I'm waiting for it to arrive, so I can't give a review right now, but I'm hopeful! I have an Oliso, but I don't think the steam is too good. I have a Reliable, which steams great, but is too heavy. And, a Rowenta craft iron, which I really like. But, I'm still looking for the perfect one!

  5. I recently bought a new Rowenta DW2000 [Effective Comfort] at Bed Bath & Beyond with a 20% coupon. I like it. It heats up quickly, has auto-off, and can do vertical steam

  6. I had 2 high end Rowenta's crap out on me in under a year. I'm now using a 25$ Hamilton Beach iron from Walmart and it's been great.Isn't quite as heavy as the Rowenta but steams great.

  7. I spent $ on a Rowenta and in the end love best my (fairly) inexpensive Sunbeam. It weighs less and in reliable!

  8. When you settle on one, I hope you put up a review. My iron is just about shot and I really need to find a new one soon!

  9. I'd like to know what you decide, too. My mom bought me a Rowenta iron for Christmas maybe 2 years ago. I didn't take it out of the box for awhile (I wanted to use my old iron for t-shirt quilt making), but I started using it regularly in the spring. It started leaking water dramatically within a month. I couldn't figure out what was under my ironing board one day (thought the cat had thrown up), but it was rust from the iron leaving water in the spot where I always set it on my board that had gone through the batting layers and rusted the frame. It didn't completely come out of the rug, and I'm quite disappointed. I don't think it was inexpensive, but it was certainly cheap!

  10. I know this is an older post, but I use the Rowenta brand. It's been excellent!


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