
WIP: City Sampler Quilt

I've been working on a quilt from Tula Pink's City Sampler Book for about six months now. Awhile back I made a mini quilt featuring some of my favorite blocks from the book, but I decided I needed to make an entire quilt. On somewhat of a whim I purchased a half eighth bundle of full moon lagoon and have decided to pair it with solids for my blocks.

This is the first time I've made a project out of one fabric line instead of mixing and matching some of my favorite individual fabrics. So far I'm liking how it is turning out - and I'm loving the fact that this line contains almost all of the colors of the rainbow.

As of today I have 36 blocks done.

I figure that's not that bad considering the only time I have to work on it is during the monthly Tula Pink sit and sew meetings at my local quilt shop. I am pretty excited with my progress and am hoping that with my new goal to focus on what makes me happy I'll have more time to devote to this project...who knows maybe I'll finish it up before the end of 2014!

Have you made a city sampler quilt? Or do you have a project that has/will take you forever and a day to complete? If so perhaps you should join me as I try to finish it up this year - finishing one quilt in a year seems like a totally obtainable goal, and I know you (we) can do it! Who knows, if enough people express interest perhaps I'll even offer a prize of some sort.


HalfDozen said...

Loving the colors. I have the book and want to make one I just can't figure out fabrics for it. I have been practicing a few of the blocks though and turning them into small projects. Can't wait to see the progress of your quilt.

Ella said...

I've got the book, but I haven't even started yet.

Lisa C said...

I bought the book but I've yet to start because I know it's going to take a while. Maybe I should use your approach and just accept that it's going to take a while and work on it every "X". But then I'd have to pick fabric and I have no idea!

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

I'm supposed to be gifted this book. I'm just waiting and happy as I may have a few more projects in the wings.

Anonymous said...

I love your blocks- the rainbow effect is wonderful! I'm working my way through the book myself, 10 blocks a month, from now through November. They're so much fun, and a good quick break between other projects.

(FYI, I'll be hosting a Tula Tuesday linkup for folks working on city sampler blocks, starting next week. Hope you'll come by!)

Nancy said...

The seahorses are cute. I'd love to see the rest of your progress on this one!

Crystal Digitizing said...

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