
Stockings for Kids Tutorial Tuesday: Tutorial Round-up

Well friends, the time has come for the last edition of Stockings for Kids Tutorial Tuesday. I am so grateful for everyone who has participated in the drive. The stockings have been rolling in. In fact, the post man has resorted to delivering my mail in special, fancy boxes.

Also, don't forget to enter the stockings for kids giveaway! It ends at midnight on Friday December 2nd and is such a great opportunity to win some awesome prizes from our sponsors. And here's a friendly reminder that all stockings need to be mailed on Thursday December 1st!

Stocking Tutorial Round-up

Super Simple Stocking Tutorial

Lined Stocking with a Cuff (presented by Cluck Cluck Sew)

Confetti Christmas Stocking (featuring Kate Spain fabrics)

Appliqued Stocking (presented by FunThreads)

Striped Stocking Tutorial (presented by In Color Order)

Reversible Stocking with Pockets (presented by Sew BitterSweet Designs)

Photo Stocking (presented by Sew Sarah Sews)

Herringbone Stocking (presented by Swim, Bike, Quilt)

Felt Garland Stocking (presented by Bijou Lovely)

I hope that you have enjoyed these tutorials as much as I have. Please don't forget to post a picture of any stockings you've made in the Stockings for Kids Flickr group so we can admire all your beautiful work.


F is for Friendship

It is no secret that I have 3 major loves in my life: books, quilting, and of course my husband.

I grew up on books - my mother doesn't believe in watching television, so my childhood revolved around book characters rather than television characters. My room had floor to ceiling bookshelves and books were piled on every surface imaginable. To say that my sister and I adore reading is an understatement - in fact our punishment when we got in trouble was that we weren't "allowed" to read for a certain amount of time. Yes, while my other friends got their phone or driving privileges revoked, I got my reading privileges revoked. It was a tough life.

Anyway, armed with that knowledge, imagine my delight when a package arrived at my door the other day containing none other than a book about quilting! Now I know you're probably thinking that it isn't that exciting because we all have read pattern books and various other quilting books. But no ladies (and gentlemen) this book is a child's picture book.

Now this book is fantastic. Not just because it is literally the ABC's of quilting,

or because it is chalk full of information about quilting - historical facts from how the sewing machine was invented, or what a quilting bee is, or even the effect the internet has on quilting -

but also because it has gorgeous illustrations.

I highly suggest that everyone out there who loves quilting or books - or even both - go out and get F is for Friendship: A Quilt Alphabet written by Helen L Wilbur and Illustrated by Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen

And while it is a picture book meant for kids, I think you will enjoy it too.


Stockings for Kids Tutorial Tuesday (on a Friday): Felt Garland Stocking

Hi gang. Today's edition of Stockings for Kids Tutorial Tuesday is brought to you by seriously one of my favorite people in blogland -- Holly of Bijou Lovely. And yes, I realize it is not a Tuesday but I figure with the deadline coming up I'd post her stocking tutorial early so we all have a chance to try it out before December 1. When I first started quilting and looking at blogs, hers was one where I found myself looking at over and over again. If her blog isn't on your google reader, add it - trust me you'll be glad you did!

Oh and don't forget to enter the Stockings for Kids giveaway to win all sorts of cool prizes from the sponsors of the drive!

Anyway here is her adorable felt garland stocking. 

Felt garland stocking tutorial

Materials - Old stocking for tracing or there is a template available for free HERE (printed on 11x17 paper)
- 1/3 yard of outer fabric
- 3/4 yard of lining fabric (will be enough for 2 stockings)
- 1/3 yd quilt batting
- 1/4 yard of cuff fabric
- 1/8 yard of felt - 6" length of ribbon or bias tape for hanging loop 1.

First, either trace a stocking that you already have, or use the template stocking to make your pattern pieces.  For this stocking, make sure the width of the opening of your stocking is at least 8" so you can fit the stocking around the arm of your sewing machine later in the tutorial.  You can always modify your stocking pattern to make it wider if the stocking you are tracing is skinnier than 8".

2.  Cut your pattern pieces.
a. You'll need 2 outer fabric pieces.  If you're using a print, make sure the fabric is folded in half to cut your pieces out, as you'll actually need the pieces to be a mirror images of each other so the print will shown on both sides of your stocking.

b. Cut two pieces of fabric for the outer cuff (which won't actually show when it's folded over), that are 6.5" x the width of your stocking.

c.  Cut two pieces of fabric for your inner cuff (which will show when the cuff is folded over), that are 4" x the width of your stocking.
2.  Next, trace your outer stocking fabrics from 1a onto your two lining pieces, adding an extra 3" to the top of the lining pieces (this will be the part of the lining that shows on the outside once you fold over the cuff).  If you're outer stocking pieces are as tall as the width of your outer fabric, you will probably need to cut along the length of your fabric for the lining.

a.  Trace your outer stocking piece onto two layers of quilt batting, adding an additional 6.5" to the top of the stocking.

3.  Sew the outer cuff to the outer stocking pieces, right sides together, using a 1/4" seam allowance.  Press seam allowances open.

4.  Sew inner cuff to inner stocking pieces, right sides together, using a 1/4" seam allowance.  Press seam allowances open. 5.  Baste outer stocking pieces to batting pieces (I used spray baste).

6.  Cut about 15 small felt circles (mine were a little over 1" in diameter).

7.  Arrange the felt circles on the outer stocking piece that you want to be the front.  It might be easier to draw on the garland lines with a disappearing fabric pen before placing your circles.  Then pin the felt to the stocking.

8.  Using a walking foot, sew along your traced garland lines in contrasting thread.  I actually sewed along each line three times to make the stitching stand out a little bit more.

9.  Quilt the cuff of the stocking and the back outer stocking piece however you'd like.  I used random straight lines.

10.  If you want to add decorative stitching along the seam where the lining meets the inner cuff, add it now.

11.  Pin your outer stocking pieces right sides together.  Trim any excess length of the quilt batting along the top of the cuff so it matches your outer stocking fabric.  Sew along the sides and bottom of the stocking using a 3/8" seam allowance.  Do not sew the top edge of the stocking.

12.  Pin your inner stocking pieces right sides together.

13.  Cut a 6" piece of ribbon or bias tape to make a loop to hang your stocking from.  Fold it in half lengthwise and pin it into the side of the lining on the heel side of the stocking, 3" down from the seam where your lining and inner cuff meet.  The edges of your ribbon/bias tape should be along the edge of your fabrics, as shown here, with the loop part in the middle of the stocking (I pulled it out of my seam a bit here, you can align the edges with the edges of your lining).

14.  Sew along the sides and bottom of the lining using a 3/8" seam allowance, leaving a 3"opening on one of the sides for turning.  Do not sew the top edge of the lining. 15.  Clip the curves of your outer stocking and lining pieces.

16.  Insert the outer stocking into the lining, right sides together.  Match up the seams and pin along the top edge of the stocking.

17.  Sew along the top edge of the stocking, using a 1/2" seam allowance.

18.  Turn the stocking right side out through the opening in the lining.  Slip stitch the opening closed, press the stocking, and topstitch along the top edge of the stocking.

19.  Fold down the cuff and hang your new stocking!


Thanksgiving Wishes

Happy Thanksgiving dear readers! I hope that your day has been full of great food and great company.

This year I am lucky enough to spend some much needed quality time with close friends eating all sorts of deliciousness including cookies, ice cream and yummy pie. Oh and turkey too.

Are you celebrating thanksgiving this year? If so what's your favorite part of the holiday?


Stockings for Kids Tutorial Tuesday: Herringbone Stocking

Hey guys! Crazy to think that November is almost over and with it the Stockings for Kids drive! I am so appreciative of everyone who has participated and I have got a lot of stockings so far. You still have plenty of time to make some stockings and send them my way -- don't forget all stockings need to be mailed by December 1 to give me enough time to stuff them and send them out to the kids before Christmas.

Also, here's a friendly reminder about the awesome giveaway from our sponsors that you should go check out. It ends at midnight on December 2nd.

Without further ado here's Katie's awesome tutorial which is perfect for a teenager and is seriously one of my favorite designs right now because I LOVE working with solids. And most people know how much I am obsessed with gray at the moment. In fact I think I am going to go make one of these stockings right now!

Herringbone Stocking Tutorial 

My name is Katie Blakesley, and I blog at Swim, Bike, Quilt.  I am happy to be sharing a stocking tutorial at Purple Panda Quilts today. I think Lyanna's Stocking for Kids drive is brilliant, and I will be sending her two stockings in the next few days. Knowing that you only have a week to make and send her a stocking before the deadline, and guessing that there are a lot of stockings made for the 5 and under set, I am sharing my simple Fit for a Teen Stocking Tutorial today.

Favorite stocking (optional, for tracing) 1/3 yard solid fabric (Kona charcoal) assorted solid fabrics: gray, blue, and teal charm squares or scraps small strips of feature print 1/3 yard lining fabric (Kona white) 1/3 yard fusible fleece 2 strips of paper, 3 1/2'' x 11'' washable glue stick

Tracing Your Stocking
1. Trace your favorite stocking onto a large sheet of paper, or use Lyanna's template here. If tracing a stocking, add 1/4'' seam allowance around the entire stocking and cut out the paper template.
2. Fold the fabric for the outside of the stocking in half. Place the template on top of two layers of fabric, and pin. Using a rotary cutter (and ruler, where applicable) cut out 2 stocking pieces. 3. Fold fabric for stocking lining in half. Place template on top of two layers of fabric, and pin. Using a rotary cutter (and ruler, where applicable) cut out 2 stocking pieces. Set aside.

 Making the Herringbone Blocks 
The herringbone blocks are made from skinny string blocks. I cut strips no smaller than 1'' and no bigger than 2 1/4''.  You can cut them as small as 1'' x 5'', but need to pay attention when stitching them to paper. I recommend strips at least 6'' long. 
1. Reduce your stitch length--I reduce my stitch length from 2 to just over 1.  Choose a strip, and use the washable glue stick to glue it in the middle of one of the 3 1/2'' x 11'' pieces of paper.
2. Place a 2nd strip face down on the right side of the 1st strip, sew 1/4'' seam allowance along the edge. Open, press, and repeat, until you have covered half of the piece of paper.

3. Place a strip face down on the left side of the 1st strip, sew 1/4'' seam allowance along the edge. Open, press, and repeat, until you have covered the rest of the paper. 

4. Place paper face down on cutting mat, and trim around the edges. Remove paper from back of block.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 with 2nd piece of paper. Make sure to place the 2nd strip angled differently as shown below, otherwise you will have diagonal stripes instead of a herringbone pattern.

6. Cut the herringbone strips into 3 1/2'' squares. Choose three squares, and sew them together, end to end. 7. Place the herringbone strip over the stocking. When you are happy with placement, cut out a 3 1/2'' strip from the stocking. Sew the herringbone strip in it's place, and stitch.

Quilting the Stocking
I kept the quilting on this one simple, just a few sets of straight lines. I tried to picture the 12 and 14 year old boys that I know, and didn't think they would like anything too fussy.  
1. Fold the fusible fleece in half. Trace your original stocking onto the fusible fleece, and cut out. Note: This will be 1/4'' smaller than your stocking. This is correct, that way the fleece isn't in the seam allowance.
 2. Fuse the fleece to your 2 outer stocking pieces according to manufacturer's instructions.
 3. Quilt the front and back as desired.

Assembling the Stocking
1. Place the outer stocking pieces right sides together. Using a 1/4'' seam allowance, stitch around the sides, leaving just the top open.  Press seams.  Clip the curves and turn the stocking inside out.
2. Using one of the strips, make a fabric tab (I took a 2 1/2'' x 5 strip, placed right sides together, and stitched a 1/4'' seam allowance along the side. I turned it right side out, folded it in half, and stitched along the sides and through the center). Line up the raw edge of the fabric tab with the top of the stocking, stitch 1/4'' seam allowance, back stitching several times.

3. Place the lining pieces right sides together. Using a 1/4'' seam allowance, stitch around the sides, leaving just the top open. Clip curves and keep lining inside out.  Press seams.
4. Place the outside of the stocking inside the lining, right sides together. Stitch 1/2'' around the top of the stocking, leaving a 4 inch hole on the back. This is where you will turn the stocking right side out.

5. Turn the stocking right side out.  Press top seam well. Either hand stitch the opening closed, or iron well and top stitch around the top of the stocking.

Congratulations! Your stocking is finished! 
Admire it for a moment, tell your friends, and send it off to Lyanna!!!


My "Rebellious" Weekend

This weekend my dashing husband spent most of his time studying for an endocrine exam. This left me lots of time to do whatever my heart desired. Of course I immediately wanted to spend some quality time with Nina (my sewing machine) who I have been neglecting as of late...so I did, despite being on my sewing hiatus.

Now before you get all upset about me ignoring doctors orders and the like, I promise I stopped whenever my wrists/hands started to hurt a lot. So it was somewhat slow going. But I did manage to complete a few projects.

First up I completed a quilt and it is easily one of my favorite quilts ever. I know I say that almost every time I make a new quilt, but I am seriously in love with it. I want to show you all so badly but can't reveal it yet. But here's a teaser shot:

Next up I conquered my fear of the zipper. 

As you can see I made myself a little coin pouch with scraps from my previous quilting projects....I even lined it! It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be and I definitely see a few more projects involving zippers in my future.

What did you do this weekend? Were you at all a little bit rebellious?

PS - don't forget to enter the stockings for kids giveaway!


Stockings for Kids Giveaway!!

It's giveaway time!

First off a massive thank you to everyone who has donated a stocking so far - my mailbox has been flooded with stockings and I'm sure my postal worker has been very appreciative of the extra packages she's had to deliver in the past month. Keep them coming! =) Also, don't forget all stockings need to be mailed to me no later than December 1!

Anyway to refresh your memory, here are the awesome prizes up for grabs:

$50 gift certificate to the Fat Quarter Shop.

The Fat Quarter Shop is one of my favorite places to buy fabric online - they have such a great collection of fabric and quilt kits. I highly recommend their bloggers choice series where different bloggers put together a fat quarter bundle of their favorite fabrics for you to purchase (so fun!). And the best part is you don't have to wait weeks for your newly purchased fabrics to arrive at your doorstep with their same day shipping policy.

Sweetwater fabrics have so generously donated a countdown to christmas charm pack.

This is sure to be a perfect addition to your holiday sewing. They produce such fun fabric - I love the way they incorporate typography into their designs.

One of my favorite quilting bloggers, Jacquie, who blogs at Tallgrass Prairie Studio has generously put together a fat quarter pack featuring 2 prints from Kate Spain's 12 days of Christmas line and 2 colors from the peas and carrots line.

Brenda at Pink Castle Fabrics has donated a "mystery" red and green fabric bundle. Her Etsy shop is full of beautiful fabrics - including to die for fabric bundles - and she is such a joy to work with.

Giveaway Details:

1. You MUST link up a picture of your stocking that you made (one picture per stocking)
2. An extra entry is given for helping to spread the word (tweet, blog, facebook, etc) and letting me know in the comments
3. An extra entry is given for being a follower of my blog

The giveaway ends at midnight on December 2. Winner will be announced December 3 on my blog.

Stockings for Kids Charity Drive Giveaway

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


November Quilting Bee Blocks

This month I have managed to finish all my quilting bee blocks before they were actually due! Yay!

Do.good. Stitches:

This month we got to make some bottled rainbow blocks following Rachel's tutorial. I have been wanting to try this for ages so I was so super excited when Becky chose this as her block for the month. Here are my two blocks:

Kona Berry Block (dark purples)

Kona Raspberry Block (dark pinks)

I loved making these blocks and see more of them in my immediate future...and there is something to be said for the quilt-as-you-go method that these use.

Sew Bee Beautiful:

This month it was Ella's turn to send out fabric and she requested some wonky stars. At first I was a bit nervous to make these, having never made a wonky star but I am pretty pleased with how these turned out. I'm sure her quilt will be quite beautiful! Now please don't mind the severe lack of ironing in these photos, I'm still looking for an iron...

Mod Mosaic Charity Quilt

This isn't a "bee" parsay, but earlier this month Kelsey asked for some help in making mod mosaic quilt squares using gray, orange and blues for a family who has had one bad thing after another happen to them -- house fires, hospital stays, car accidents, etc. You can read more about her request for blocks (and sign up to make one) here. These blocks are super easy to make and are excellent for using up stash. I enjoyed making this block and wish that I had time to make more.